Simple Past Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
kejadian yang telah terjadi di masa lalu. Biasanya ditandai dengan kata
keterangan waktu seperti:
- Yesterday (kemarin)
- Last week (minggu lalu)
- Last year (tahun lalu)
- Two days ago (dua hari
yang lalu)
Rumus Simple Past Tense
1. Kalimat Positif (Positive Sentence)
👉 Subject + Verb 2 + Object
- She visited her
grandmother yesterday. (Dia mengunjungi neneknya kemarin.)
- They played football
last night. (Mereka bermain sepak bola tadi malam.)
2. Kalimat Negatif (Negative Sentence)
👉 Subject +
did not (didn't) + Verb 1 + Object
- She did not visit her
grandmother yesterday.
- They didn’t play football
last night.
3. Kalimat Tanya (Interrogative Sentence)
👉 Did +
Subject + Verb 1 + Object?
- Did she visit her
grandmother yesterday?
- Did they play football
last night?
Penggunaan Simple Past Tense
- Untuk menyatakan kejadian
yang terjadi di masa lalu
- I went to
Bali last summer.
- He bought a
new phone two days ago.
- Untuk menceritakan
serangkaian kejadian di masa lalu
- First, I woke up,
then I took a shower, and finally, I had breakfast.
- Untuk menyatakan kebiasaan
di masa lalu yang sekarang sudah tidak dilakukan
- My grandfather worked as
a farmer. (Kakek saya dulu bekerja sebagai petani.)
Kata Kerja Beraturan dan Tidak Beraturan
- Regular Verbs (Kata Kerja
Ditambah -ed di akhir kata kerja.
Contoh: - Play → Played
- Walk → Walked
- Study → Studied
- Irregular Verbs (Kata Kerja
Tidak Beraturan):
Bentuk kata kerja berubah tanpa aturan tertentu.
Contoh: - Go → Went
- Eat → Ate
- Write → Wrote
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