Thursday, January 23, 2025

Passive Voice

 Pengertian Passive Voice

Passive voice adalah kalimat di mana subjek dikenai suatu tindakan, bukan melakukan tindakan. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, ciri-ciri kalimat pasif adalah penggunaan kata kerja berawalan "di-" (contoh: dipukul, dipanggil, dimakan).


  • Aktif: She writes a letter. (Dia menulis sebuah surat.)
  • Pasif: A letter is written by her. (Surat itu ditulis olehnya.)

Aturan Umum Membentuk Passive Voice

  1. Kalimat aktif harus memiliki objek karena objek akan menjadi subjek dalam kalimat pasif.
  2. Kata kerja dalam passive voice harus dalam bentuk past participle (V3) yang didahului oleh "to be" (am, is, are, was, were, being, been) dan biasanya diikuti oleh "by".
  3. Struktur umum:
    Passive Voice = To be + Past Participle (V3)
    Jika dalam bentuk Continuous, maka To be + being + Past Participle.

Perubahan Active Voice ke Passive Voice Berdasarkan Tenses

  1. Simple Present → is/am/are + Past Participle
    • A: She writes a letter.
    • P: A letter is written by her.
  2. Present Continuous → is/am/are + being + Past Participle
    • A: He is closing the window.
    • P: The window is being closed by him.
  3. Present Perfect → has/have + been + Past Participle
    • A: They have played the ball.
    • P: The ball has been played by them.
  4. Simple Past → was/were + Past Participle
    • A: Syah opened the door.
    • P: The door was opened by him.
  5. Past Continuous → was/were + being + Past Participle
    • A: Rifki was drinking some water.
    • P: Some water was being drunk by him.
  6. Past Perfect → had been + Past Participle
    • A: Acep had written a letter.
    • P: A letter had been written by him.
  7. Simple Future → will + be + Past Participle
    • A: My wife will make some cake.
    • P: Some cake will be made by my wife.
  8. Future Perfect → will + have been + Past Participle
    • A: They will have finished that work.
    • P: That work will have been finished by them.

Aturan Tambahan dalam Passive Voice

  1. Subjek tidak diketahui atau umum (people, someone, dll.) → Bisa dihilangkan dalam passive voice.
    • A: People speak English well all over the world.
    • P: English is spoken well all over the world.
  2. Kata kerja bantu (Auxiliary Verb) → Pola: Subject + auxiliary + be + Past Participle
    • A: Rifa’i can paint the house.
    • P: The house can be painted by him.
  3. Hanya kata kerja transitif (membutuhkan objek) yang bisa diubah ke passive voice.
    Kata kerja intransitif (tidak membutuhkan objek) tidak dapat dijadikan passive voice, contoh: go, sleep, arrive, look.



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