Pengertian Passive Voice
Passive voice adalah kalimat di mana subjek dikenai
suatu tindakan, bukan melakukan tindakan. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, ciri-ciri
kalimat pasif adalah penggunaan kata kerja berawalan "di-" (contoh:
dipukul, dipanggil, dimakan).
- Aktif: She
writes a letter. (Dia menulis sebuah surat.)
- Pasif: A
letter is written by her. (Surat itu ditulis olehnya.)
Aturan Umum Membentuk Passive Voice
- Kalimat
aktif harus memiliki objek karena objek akan
menjadi subjek dalam kalimat pasif.
- Kata
kerja dalam passive voice harus dalam bentuk past participle (V3) yang
didahului oleh "to be" (am, is, are, was, were,
being, been) dan biasanya diikuti oleh "by".
- Struktur
Passive Voice = To be + Past Participle (V3)
Jika dalam bentuk Continuous, maka To be + being + Past Participle.
Perubahan Active Voice ke Passive Voice Berdasarkan
- Simple
Present → is/am/are + Past Participle
- A: She
writes a letter.
- P: A
letter is written by her.
- Present
Continuous → is/am/are + being + Past
- A: He
is closing the window.
- P: The
window is being closed by him.
- Present
Perfect → has/have + been + Past
- A: They
have played the ball.
- P: The
ball has been played by them.
- Simple
Past → was/were + Past Participle
- A: Syah
opened the door.
- P: The
door was opened by him.
- Past
Continuous → was/were + being + Past
- A: Rifki
was drinking some water.
- P: Some
water was being drunk by him.
- Past
Perfect → had been + Past Participle
- A: Acep
had written a letter.
- P: A
letter had been written by him.
- Simple
Future → will + be + Past Participle
- A: My
wife will make some cake.
- P: Some
cake will be made by my wife.
- Future
Perfect → will + have been + Past
- A: They
will have finished that work.
- P: That
work will have been finished by them.
Aturan Tambahan dalam Passive Voice
- Subjek
tidak diketahui atau umum (people, someone, dll.) →
Bisa dihilangkan dalam passive voice.
- A: People
speak English well all over the world.
- P: English
is spoken well all over the world.
- Kata
kerja bantu (Auxiliary Verb) → Pola: Subject
+ auxiliary + be + Past Participle
- A: Rifa’i
can paint the house.
- P: The
house can be painted by him.
- Hanya
kata kerja transitif (membutuhkan objek) yang bisa diubah ke passive voice.
Kata kerja intransitif (tidak membutuhkan objek) tidak dapat dijadikan passive voice, contoh: go, sleep, arrive, look.
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